Fest Flüssig Trennung INVENT Filter Dekantiersystem Kategorie INVENT


iFILT-Rautenfilter Fest Flüssig Trennung INVENT

INVENT Solid-Liquid-Separation

Intelligent design – optimum results

INVENT focuses on applications in municipal and industrial water purification and wastewater treatment. Its many years of experience in this market and expertise in the fields of fluid mechanics, hydraulics and component design form the basis for our innovative products in the area of solid-fluid separation. This includes the iDEC®-SBR-Decanting System and the iFILT®-Diamond Filter. The design was optimized into the greatest detail with the aid of state-of-the-art fluid mechanical tools and CFD simulations. Take advantage of the great benefits.

Our products

In our videos we introduce our INVENT products and team

Products and team

The wide range of INVENT products fulfills all process- and plant dependent requirements for biological wastewater treatment reliably and energy efficient.

Products and Applications

An elementary part of the further wastewater treatment is the removal of the finest suspended matter. Our iFILT diamond filter and our iDEC®-SBR decanting system have been specially developed for this purpose. The retention of the finest solids is often the prerequisite for further processing steps such as disinfection, fourth cleaning stage, removal of microplastics and phosphorus reduction.

Is your use case not included? Feel free to contact us for individual advice!

Tertiary filtration
SBR-Process (Sequencing Batch Reactor)
Clear water outlet SBR
Wastewater filtration
Removal of microplastics
Retention of sludge flakes
Further phosphate reduction
Wastewater reuse
Drinking water treatment
Cleaning of industrial waste water
Water purification in fish farming

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