Humanitarian Projects in Syria
INVENT supports missio Munich (International Catholic Missionary Organization) and by doing so enables Syrian refugee children to attend school in Syria.
The increase in environmental pollution is a problem concerning us all. Clean water is becoming an increasingly scarce commodity. Keeping water pure requires future-oriented technologies. INVENT takes on responsibility and with great commitment has been involved in developing and implementing such technologies for over 20 years. Entrepreneurial responsibilty towards society is at the heart of our business operations!
We are, however, aware of the fact that additional relief organizations and their structures are needed to realize concrete projects in the first place. We support missio, the missionary organization run by the Catholic Church in order to broaden our commitment towards society and to set an example as a business helping with urgent situations such as the current one in Syria.
The educational system is lacking in everything: safe and suitable spaces to teach, money, teaching materials, teachers as well as an appropriate water supply and sanitation. Additionally children, teenagers and also adults are highly traumatized by the war in their country.
The Papal Mission Beirut – capital of the Syrian neighboring state of Lebanon – has helped the local churches in Syria since 2012 to support refugee families with infrastructure and emergency aid. Educational opportunities for children and teenagers are provided locally in Syria by different partners. Religious sisterhoods, the Maronitian Archdiocese and many other organizations in Damascus, Homs and Aleppo take care of children receiving an education. More than 5000 school-aged children are being reached through these nationwide efforts.