HYPERCLASSIC®-Mixing and Aeration System at Ajinomoto Omnichem
In recent years, the HYPERCLASSIC®-Mixing and Aeration Systems have been developed into complete solutions for the industrial and municipal wastewater treatment. The characteristics of a mixer and those of an aerator are uniquely combined by the HYPERCLASSIC®-Mixing and Aeration System.
A recent example is the company Ajinomoto Omnichem in Belgium, leader in pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates. The cooperation between Ajinomoto and INVENT began already in 1998, when two HYPERCLASSIC®-Mixing and Aeration Systems were initially installed in Balen and another ten in Wetteren. After these functioned to complete satisfaction, the plant in Balen was extended by five additional machines. After 20 years of reliable service the first two systems were replaced by two of the latest generation in 2020. The mixing and aeration systems in Balen and Wetteren provide mixing and aeration for COD removal and nitrification. Even with a low oxygen demand, a sedimentation-free operation can be ensured. The oxygen content remains homogeneous throughout the basin due to the generated flow.
The objective of low-maintenance, yet energy-efficient mixing and aeration, could be achieved with INVENT’s HYPERCLASSIC®-Mixing and Aeration Systems in both plants of Ajinomoto Omnichem.