Stakeholder collaboration achieves los level nitrogen removal and improved peak wet-weather capacity at Warren, Rhode Island
Abstract: At 50 years, the Clean Water Act (CWA) has directly and indirectly benefited not only our planet but also our citizens and economy. While innumerable people and programs have contributed to the CWA’s success, the collaboration among stakeholders in our industry and communities has solidified it. Each group of stakeholders, including public officials and employees who manage and operate wastewater treatment facility facilities (WWTFs), regulators, funding agencies, contractors, equipment suppliers, researchers, trainers, and consultants, have contributed to maintaining and improving water quality. The evaluation, design, construction, and operation of the Warren, Rhode Island WWTF upgrade exemplifies how stakeholders throughout the wastewater industry can effectively collaborate to improve water quality and serve our communities.
Text by: Jon Himlan, PE, Woodard & Curran and Paul Dombrowski, PE, BCEE, F.WEF, Woodard & Curran
Copyright: Journal of the New England Water Environment Association